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The Value of Life
This opinion piece in the Washington Post got me thinking about the arguments/discussions I’ve been having with my “Conservative” friends … and losing.
“Now we know: The conservative devotion to life ends at birth”
I used to be active in the Republican Party, an elected member of the central committee, until being forced out during the take over by the Tea Party. I wasn’t welcomed at many of the forums, simply because of the fact that I did not agree with their positions and had the audacity to publicly state my points of disagreement.
Today I am dismissed as an Anti-Trumper. Why? Because I believe morality and truth are critical in today’s world and President Trump does not accept either one as a goal to be supported or achieved. For the record, I do not HATE President Trump. To quote Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “I pray for the president all the time." I would not want to be in his shoes when he stands before Saint Peter.
One of the biggest arguments used by my Christian friends is his support for the “Protection of the Unborn”, i.e. his anti-abortion positions. In 1999 he said he hated abortion but was very pro-choice. Today, it is his Pro-Life activities that are the center of his support by Christian communities.
Well, there is more to supporting life than saving the unborn. How about protecting the lives of all human beings?
The Sheep and the Goats
Matthew 31 When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him…