Member-only story
The Discipline of Prayer
We are all called to be people of prayer.

God is Universal
As Christians, we need to remember that God IS and that He is universal in His dealings with all of His children. Do not assume that the things you see around you are part of an isolated event. The safer assumption is that He is dealing with the Universal Church in the same manner that He deals with your local spiritual community.
I monitored the Catholic Charismatic Renewal around the world for almost twenty years. What I saw clearly demonstrated that God deals with His people in a consistent manner. The problems we share are universal — disagreements, human jealousy, spiritual pride, the break up of Christian communities — all happening here, there, everywhere. The patterns that you observe where you live are also being repeated around the world! God is Universal!
We need to respond to those universal needs the same way that Jesus did, the same way that the Apostles did, and the same way that the Saints have done throughout the ages. We need to focus on the fact that we are all called to be people of prayer.
As Christians we need to make prayer the central component of our every act. We need to develop prayer as a discipline, as a practice, and work it into…