Member-only story
Conservative Christian Values vs Republican Christian Values
First off, please read this article on the Salon website.
My wife and I have been frustrated with many of the people we run into at GOP events for years. We had to stop attending the local Conservative group, simply because my wife and I always came away angry. The focus of so many people in the gathering was pro-war, pro-hurting other people, whom they demonized.
I am a Vietnam veteran who, after serving a year and a half in DaNang, volunteered to return to Vietnam as a US Naval Adviser. I had fallen in love with the people and the culture and simply wanted to help. However, I also came to understand war is not glorious, war is not effective and, after the fall of South Vietnam, war clearly leaves behind nothing good.
Today we live in a nation that has been actively at war since Operation Desert Storm in 1990. To quote the article, the people in that conservative gathering “have rarely met a war they didn’t enthusiastically embrace: be it in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen or Ukraine, their proposed solution to any geopolitical challenge seems to be direct violence, violence by proxy, or the threat of violence.” Yet, they are constantly throwing their Christian piety in your face, while proudly embracing something that many people believe Jesus Christ would consider repugnant. I believe there is a…